Are You Scared of the Dark?

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
Are You Scared of the Dark?
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 9:49:18 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar



The wind howls through the night as snow falls upon Lilycove City, all throughout stay huddled within their homes as they struggle to fend off the cold. The spatial distortion phenomenon rocks all of Hoenn without mercy or discrimination, even the coast line is battered by blizzards for the first time in recorded history as the storm sweeps through the country.
Yet two lone members of Rocket trudge through the cold despite all this, mischief and mayhem on their minds as they huddle up close to their only source of warmth, the Camerupt whose internal furnace fights back the cold. Xenon clings tightly to her partner as she narrows her eyes to peer through the blizzard, the hot pack on her metal shoulder staves off frostbite from the rest of her fleshy body, but it certainly doesn't mean she's comfortable as she presses up harder against the volcanic camel. "Fuck me running this sucks, can't believe every fucking Rocket avatar is buddied up with a fucking ice cube. Not a single fucking asshole thought to steal the power of fire for themselves, nooooooo, gotta partner up with the fucking walking ice golem. Fucking hate Legendaries, hate this fucking cold. Fuck."
And so this complaining has been going for the past half an hour since they dropped outside of Lilycove, slowly making their way towards the power plant keeping the lights on in this city. As much as she would have liked for this to be a fast mission, they needed to move in quiet so they could sabotage the power supply to the city, pin the blame on the local government and stir up discontent in this historically bad time. It made the most logical sense if they wanted the civilians to come around to Rocket's side like they did in Sootopolis, break faith in the local government, set yourself up as a savior.



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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
Are You Scared of the Dark?
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 7:43:38 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji looked over at Xenon as he held the shawl tight to him, four years wandering in some nothing place as a nomad, with so much lost time that he would never get back; he preferred this snowstorm instead. Taller, by a pinch; but it was the changing weather that really made him feel comfortable, he was uncomfortable so he was alive.
Truly a blessing
”It’ll get better once we’re inside, the snow will pass and we’ll be in a nice warm place to cause mayhem.” Even as he told himself about the uncomfortableness being a comfort of his own, that didn’t stop him leaning against the Camerupt. ”But forget that, I can handle the exit plan, but you got a way inside? You’ve got more greymatter swishing around in that noggin of yours.” He was comfortable with movement, he had Sableye to move across large distances, even if the pokemon disliked being used in such a manner.
”Or do you wanna have another punch out? I never mind, you know me. I could act as the evil guy, and then you stop me before I run away with my tail between my legs?”



We Ballin'



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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
514 posts
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
Are You Scared of the Dark?
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2023 7:47:31 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar



"Yeah, yeah you're right. Just gotta keep walking forwards and things will get better, I like that kind of mindset. Good stuff, good stuff." Xenon mumbles as her breath comes out in short bursts of mist, metal fingers constantly bending and folding to keep the joints from freezing over completely.
A way inside. A way inside. Had she made a plan for that? Xenon has to mentally sort through her catalogue of security plans and break in routes to other buildings before she can definitively nod and say yes to that. "Their security routes focus on the harbor since that's where it would be easiest to get in unseen. But that doesn't take into account the snowstorm, so if we're lucky they'll be so uncomfortable and cold that they'll default to old habits and keep what limited manpower they have on watching the harbor. So basically we can just hop the fence from the other side and we should probably be good." Kouji's plan had merit, maybe if she had put in the time to put together a disposable disguise and persona it would have worked. But there was no point dwelling on what if's and what could have been. "No, we go in quiet and we strike fast. I brought a lot of electric types to overload the grids, if we can get in and out without being seen we can pin all the failing on the local government and open up room for Rocket propaganda to get to work."
They soon arrive at the frosted and frozen fence on the other side of the power plant, no guards to be seen at the moment, but at the same time they could barely see ten feet ahead of them as is. Need to stay alert, need to stay focused. "You know you're the first person in Rocket I think I've actually collaborated with regarding my Lilycove plans. You should be honored, you're getting first dibs on stealing up some of my glory when we finally take this shithole over~"



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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
Are You Scared of the Dark?
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2024 16:17:03 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji nodded before looking at his pokeball, when it came to covert operations he always made sure to rely on sableye. ”Don’t gotta hop anything, I’ll use Sableye, shadow sneak can get us from one side to the other, and phantom force can take us anywhere we’ve been.”
In truth, pokemon were a scary group, but on the other end, they had uses like this too, so he’d have to rely on her for the actual overloading of the grid itself. ”Stealing? I’m just helping out a dearly beloved friend, or some bullcrap like that.” Kouji stated with a smirk as the shadow allowed him to pass from one side of the fence to the other, it was a cold chill, even colder than being in these blustering winds.
”Why’re you focusing on this city so much in the first place?” Kouji wondered, his voice was low, but as he waited for her to pass, he then recalled his sableye.
There were a few reasons he could think of, proximity was naturally one, the fact it had a well running economy was second, but those in of itself wasn’t what he’d expect from someone like Xenon. ”What kinda future do you think this’ll build for rocket?”



We Ballin'



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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
514 posts
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
Are You Scared of the Dark?
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2024 21:07:32 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar



Xenon hums in a noncommittal way as Kouji brings up using his Sableye to get them through the fence. It was definitely the easiest way of course, but the Ultramodernist wasn't the biggest fan of relying on her Pokemon for every little physical thing. It built up a lazy habit if you just let your Pokemon do all the hard physical stuff, nothing worse than a habit making you predictable and weak.
But now wasn't really the time to espouse those kinds of views, so she lets Kouji and his Sableye do their work. A biting chill wracks her body as the shadows envelop her, a second spend in the dark and they were through without too much trouble, minus the time she had to spend recalling her Camerupt. She's about to send it right back out to warm them up when she realizes just how big and cumbersome Selenium really is, on a stealth mission through the electric plant it just wasn't an option to keep him out and with them anymore. "Gonna have to brave the cold for a bit." She mumbles, already missing the familiar warmth of the volcanic camel as they trek into the power plant.
Why did she want to take over Lilycove? Huh... why did she want to take over Lilycove? She probably started out with one reason or another, some sort of logical analysis of what the city brought to the table for her and Rocket. But why did she want to continue down this road towards this future?
"The lights of the city are entrancing." She responds quietly, crouching down low and minimizing her profile as they creep through the cold. "There's merit to taking over Mossdeep, I can see why so many would see that future as good. Not so much for Dewford, I think that's spreading our resources too thin. But what the people of Rocket fail to understand, is that we're not just trying to take over the country by force. That's just a repeat of Kanto, it's boring, played out, been done before. I don't like repeating history mindlessly." Xenon looks down at her gloved hand and clenches into a tight fist, a thoughtful look on her face as she gives voice to her future.
"I want the people to see my ideal, see what the League has to offer, see what Rocket has to offer, and I want them to choose us. To choose me. To choose the future. If we're to win the hearts of the people, it has to start with Lilycove, the entertainment capital of Hoenn. That's why I chose Lilycove."



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